This game is inspired by Pokemon. But instead of a trainer, you play as a wild Pokemon trying to evade capture.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to meet all the features in time for the jam. In particular, I had to cut a mini-game where you escape the equivalent of a Pokeball, as well as a finale where you would do one more battle post-capture against a wild creature just like you. 

Development log


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A similar concept came in second on our brainstorming list! I loved the attack animations, and the colorscheme being reminiscent of an original gameboy. Great work given the time constraints, I'm sure the additional features you wanted to add would have kicked it up even more. 

Thanks, that means a lot. I was a little harsh on myself because the game isn't close to what I wanted it to be, but remembering that this is the game jam has helped put things in perspective.